General Race Rules & Policies

Volunteer Policies

DEI Policies

We totally get it, this is the most unglamourous part of our website. But it is nonetheless filled with very important information about your participation in Wonderland Running’s events. Thank you for taking the time to read through this page. Of course you are welcome to email us with questions, clarifications, concerns, or comments!

General Rules & Policies Regarding Wonderland Running Events:

The following actions may lead to disqualification from any of our races and/or banishment from future Wonderland Running races:

  • Intentionally littering.

  • Cutting the race course, getting in a moving vehicle, stashing supplies along the course other than official drop bags, or any other form of cheating.

  • Damaging or harming natural resources, including wildlife and plants, cultural resources, or the private property of others.

  • Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, threatening, violent, or otherwise egregiously offensive behavior.

  • Refusing directives or final decisions of race officials, aid station captains, course medics, or public officials, including decisions to pull a runner from a race.

  • Use of any mechanized transport, including but not limited to bicycles, dirt bikes, skateboards, baby joggers or strollers, roller skates or blades, are not allowed in the event.

  • Headphones, speakers, or pets of any kind are not allowed at any of our races. Exceptions will be made for registered service animals for runners that have & need such animals.

  • Willful violations of the rules and requirements set forth in our races waivers and agreements that you sign and agree to when registering for any and all of our races, and any other rules or requirements set forth by Wonderland Running, any and all of our permittees and property holders, and any other enforceable rules and laws governing the lands and resources upon which our races take place.

Cancellation Policy:

If you must cancel your registration, and you do so more than 30 days prior to the Wonderland Running race for which you are registered , you can elect to get a 50% credit toward next race. Please note: All cancellations must be done through your Ultrasignup account to receive the 50% race credit toward the following year’s Wonderland Running race. Any cancellations that happen 30 days or less from the date of the Wonderland Running race for which you are registered will receive no credit, no refund, and no transfer opportunity. There are no exceptions to this.

If the Wonderland Running race for which you are registered is cancelled for any other unforeseen reason (e.g. fire or fire hazard, severe weather, Acts of God, etc.), we will attempt to reschedule the Wonderland Running race to another proximate date. In the event the Wonderland Running race is cancelled and cannot be rescheduled in the year for which you registered, we will offer registered runners a 100% credit toward the next Wonderland Running race. Thank you for reading this and for understanding this.

Volunteer Race Credits & Stipends:

Thank you kindly for your interest in volunteering at our races!! None of this would exist without your generous dedication, unwavering efforts, and joyous enthusiasm. Volunteering for any trail race is joyful, demanding, and born of a pure love for the sport. Some of you are new to the Wonderland Running family and some of you have been here since the beginning, but ALL of you make this event and this sport possible.

All of our volunteers are eligible a free race entry from Wonderland Running! For the Dark Divide Trail Races, we also offer a stipend to our volunteers woing to the remote, challenging, and lengthy nature of these crucial assignments.

We couldn't do it without you. In fact, it has become clear as I learn the art of race directing that these races & this sport would not exist as we know it without volunteers. Again, thank you kindly!

Bib/Registration Transfers:

There are absolutely no refunds or bib/registration transfers to other runners. There are absolutely no exceptions.

Current 2025 Race Waivers:

The links below are for the race waivers all registrants agreed to when registering for any 2025 Wonderland Running events. They are here for your reference. Please make sure that you have read through your race’s waiver & agreement prior to arriving at your race. Thank you so much, and of course please let us know if you have any questions!

These Are Cupless Races:

Not throwing away disposable cups at our events reduces waste, our environmental footprint, and our operating costs. Wonderland Running is thrilled to be joining the growing number of cupless races! Basically, this means that we will not be using disposable cups at our aid stations.

Runners are responsible for obtaining and carrying their own drinking vessels when participating in any of our races. In addition to hydration systems sufficient to carry during their race (e.g. hydration vests and bladders), please have your own cup or flask to use for aid station use (e.g. electrolyte drinks and sodas).

Thank you for making Wonderland Running and our sport as a whole more sustainable!

Pregnancy Deferrals:

Wonderland Running is happy to offer a five-year deferral policy from the race for which expecting mothers are registered. For adoption and surrogacy, one year deferrals are available. Please email us with any questions you may have regarding this policy... and congratulations on beginning your parenting journey!

Native American / Indigenous Race Entries:

Starting in 2024, race registration will be free for all Native American / Indigenous runners. Any race.  Any distance. Any year. This was long overdue; not just for Wonderland Running, but for trail racing and sport as a whole. In a world where Indigenous rights and history are still infrequently discussed, we do find utility and educational value in land acknowledgments. But we needed to do something more than just words. This felt like an easy, correct, and just implementation.

Tribal Verification:

Each tribe establishes its own membership & enrollment requirements that serve to preserve the unique characteristics of each tribe based on shared history, practices, traditions, language, lineage, and so forth. Please note that Wonderland Running offers free race registration for runners who belong to both federally recognized tribes and those tribes who are not currently federally recognized.

For the 574 currently federally recognized tribes, tribal enrollment criteria are set forth in the many ordinances, constitutions, articles of incorporation, or other governing rules. We will honor the verification methods for any tribes that are not currently recognized federally. In consideration of and respect for that, we will honor any tribal ID or written acknowledgment of any tribe, federally recognized or not, that is provided by a runner from their tribe.

Please note that we do not accept ancestry or genealogical reports or results. We require a tribal ID card, tribal enrollment document, or written verification from the runner’s tribe.

Are you a Native American / Indigenous runner? Feel free to email us about your free registration!

Veteran & First Responder Entries:

All active duty military personnel and all veterans of foreign wars are eligible for a 50% Wonderland Running race discount. Active first responders are also eligible. Thank you so much for your service. Please email us for details!

Trail Mix Fund Entries:

Wonderland Running explicitly, openly, and proudly works towards inclusion and equity in both this sport and the world at large. We have people of color, queer, and other communities represented in our race staff, and welcome all trail runners who want to feel welcome and take up space at our start lines.

Please see our friends at Trail Mix Fund for their application and donation processes. Please click on the Trail Mix Fund button below to learn more: